There is no such thing as a good relationship. When two people wish to live together by understanding and acknowledging each other’s importance, then it becomes a good relationship. However, there are several common mistakes couples make that ruin the foundation of the relationship. Here, take a look and note down how to avoid such situations in your life.

Poor Communication: Often, couples stop talking to each other when they are angry, share their feelings, and seek advice from each other. And this is the biggest mistake. Why so? Because the third person has no idea about what’s the level of bond a couple has, and so, they will always give suggestions on general ideas, so choose to talk to your partner even though not resolving talk to your partner as this will prevent further misunderstandings and eventually making you understand the problem.

Too Many Expectations: Often, we consider love a fairytale and wonder if everything will be smooth. But you should stop doing this. Live in reality and acknowledge each other’s problems and habits, and this will help you understand what to expect and what not. Too many expectations lead to disappointment, and eventually, your relationship will start failing.

Intimacy: In this case, you both should understand each other thoroughly. Sometimes, your partner doesn’t feel comfortable getting intimate, and you should respect that rather than consider whether they have anyone else or don’t like you anymore. Be friends, as this will help you understand and have a better bond.