We love our children like the most precious thing in this world. We wish to do all the good things possible but and want them to grow in their life. However, when the child doesn’t do or follow your instructions, this might piss you off, and you may use harsh work to provoke them to do better, but sometimes it turns toxic for your child’s growth. Here are some phrases you should avoid saying to your child as they hold severe power.

1) You Can Never Do It: For a child, parents are the most truthful and important person. So if you don’t show trust and tell your child stuff like you can never do it, this will make them believe that they are incapable and they can really never do it. So be wise to use your words at such moments.

2) You Are Incapable Of Making Any Decision: Yet again, this sentence is very demotivating. Wanting your child to make good decisions is obvious, things but not letting them think and considering them incapable of making decisions will lower their self-esteem, which will hinder their thinking, opinion, and decisions-making skills.

3) You Are Not My Son/Daughter: What else can be harsher than this? Telling your child that they are not yours may make them feel lonely. They may find themselves worthless and the worst children ever, which will ruin their progress, and at an extreme level, your child may suffer through anxiety, stress, and depression.