Finding happiness in your life requires a lot of hard work. We have people in our life whose mere presence make us joyful. But the happiness that you earn by working for it feels well deserved and makes your feel proud about it. This kind of happiness comes once in a while, for example when you score well in your exams and pass out with flying colours. But there is another way to be happy every day. It is to seek happiness in the silliest and very little things in our lives that happen almost every day. Here are the things that make you truly happy but you neglect it because it is a small thing: –
- Finishing your daily tasks like homework or office work beforehand and having spare time.
- Finding some change in your pocket that you were totally unaware about.
- When your crush texts you first.
- When someone takes interest in your life.
- Going to bed after replacing the sheets to new ones.
- Smiling at a baby in the park who smiles back at you.
- Getting a massage from your partner
- Cuddling your partner inside a blanket on a cold day.
- Playing with your pets and training them.
- Smelling the aroma of first rains hitting the sand on the ground.
- When someone admires or compliments you.
- Eating your favourite type of dish.
- Remembering childhood days with your old friends.
- Watching a sunset or sunrise with someone special.
- When your parents tell you that they are proud of you.
- Shopping online for your favourite items.
- Listening to your favourite music or singer.
- Losing weight after working hard for it.
- Trying to cook something and making it very delicious on the first attempt.
- Receiving flowers from someone who loves and adores you.
- Waking up early out of habit and realizing its a holiday and getting more sleep.
- Meeting your friends after a very long time.
- The sequel of your favourite movie getting released.
All these things are very little and happen too often in our lives. We must learn to embrace and live in the moments. It’s futile to depend on great things to happen in your life for you to be happy. Focus on minor things in your life and be happy about it. Little happiness every day is still better than huge happiness at once.