Reading has calming properties in and of itself, but if the soothing sensation you receive from turning the pages isn’t enough, look for a book whose subject matter will help you achieve the inner serenity you need. Whether you’re religious, spiritual, or don’t believe in anything at all, books can transcend all of these categories. An excellent book can lead the reader on their own particular, self-defined journey to anywhere they need to go.
If you’re a reader looking for inner serenity, here are seven books to consider:
Thich Nhat Hanh, a master of Zen meditation and one of the world’s most respected Zen Buddhist monks, offers practical advice on how to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life in The Miracle Of Mindfulness. He discusses the advantages of mindfulness and how even your daily activities may be considered a sort of meditation.
Alan Watts explores man’s yearning for psychological security in The Wisdom Of Insecurity, which combines Eastern philosophy and Western religion. He believes that our uncertainty stems from our need to be secure and that we should live fully in the present moment while acknowledging that we are powerless to save ourselves. The path to inner peace, according to Watts, lies in accepting the present rather than expecting the future or grieving the past.
The Dalai Lama paints a picture of his early life in this book, including the personal and political battles that molded his worldview. He delivers compelling counsel on how to live a full and tranquil life straightforwardly, and he inspires you to rediscover core values such as love, respect, and honesty.
Deepak Chopra, a spiritual teacher, assures you that “finding the hidden dimensions in yourself is the only way to satisfy your innermost hunger” and provides 15 secrets to help you find inner peace and much more in his book The Book Of Secrets.
The Alchemist is a delightful and educational narrative about accepting yourself and following the aspirations that can help you conquer your anxieties and achieve peace of mind.
Page after page, meaningful connections, intellectual arguments, and honest dialogue will have Zen, Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and will perhaps help you discover a more peaceful way of living.
One of the cornerstones of inner serenity is self-worth. It is almost hard to be truly happy if we don’t accept and love ourselves, warts, and everything. Brene Brown, a renowned sociologist, examines the importance of overcoming the paralysis of fear and self-confidence in The Gifts Of Imperfection.
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