Categories: Find Peace

A Person Who Avoids Fighting & Apologies When Wrong Is A Person Really At Peace

As humans, we all have done something that appeared to be a decent idea at the time but turned out to be completely incorrect. Then comes the fear of confessing the error. Why does this part seem the most difficult? We never want to be the one who makes a mistake and grovels in defeat and apologizes. Though difficult, psychologists believe that learning to deal with admitting fault is essential to sustaining relationships and personal growth. There is a greater peace that comes with accepting one’s own mistake and apologizing for it. Not accepting one’s own mistake and stretching the fight is not good for one’s own peace of mind. Many times, people don’t even realize they have wronged others and keep on fighting.

To begin, you must first become aware of it. Many times some people lack the self-awareness required to recognize when they have wronged others or misinterpret a situation in a significant way that hinders them from even knowing they are wrong.

People typically double down when their self-image is at stake when they are terrified of appearing fragile and vulnerable. They may overcompensate due to their confirmation bias, refusing to admit error, and only considering evidence that supports their opinions. This is not healthy as not admitting you are wrong can lead to mental health problems and broken relationships. Refusing to accept one’s mistake and apologize affects one’s relationship with others which further stands in the way of attaining peace.

When one does not admit mistakes, saves you from the guilt that you have wronged someone. Feeling guilty from within makes it difficult for one to move on as the guilt will accompany you wherever you go. This ruins one’s peace of mind. Your focus is more on the past than on the present which can be very stressful.

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