Categories: Find Peace

Must Read: Be At Peace Not In Pieces

We’ve all grown up encircled by numerous values and opinions, by the period we are grown-ups, comparing elements as good and bad or right and wrong has evolved as a means of life. “Be at peace not at pieces.” This quote holds great meaning. Why being at peace is so important? Peace is what the human mind craves. It is impossible for us to like or appreciate a chaotic situation.

We as humans find solace in peaceful circumstances. Peace is important because it eradicates violence, wars, battles, etc. Peace renders the human mind with much needed moment to heal from worldly chaos and happenings. Another interpretation of ‘peace’ would be that being at peace not just with the worldly or environmental occurrence but also being at peace with your mind, inner worries/battles, problems, etc.

Another interpretation of the entire quote “Be at peace not in pieces,” is an ultimate message for us human breed to stay united with each other and not get into wars and battles oriented due to race, caste, language, religion, culture, etc.
As wars ultimately create national anxiety and it ostracizes us into bits and pieces which eventually leads to the loss of ‘peace.’

So rather, we as the upcoming generation should remain together and united not legitimately based on race or caste but based on our blood and humanitarian values which will eventually render us a peaceful life. Hence, the homophonic occurrence of “piece” and “peace” renders us a pathway towards the interpretation of the deep significance that underlies beneath the connection of the former and the latter.

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Also Read: Key Differences Between Peace & Serenity


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