· Try deep breathing

When you feel the need to use your mobile, try deep breathing instead. Meditate and try to focus on why you decide why not to use mobile phones. Most of the times we use our phone as a habit.When we meditate it helps us detach from our habits.

· Give yourself assignments

Keep yourself busy with assignments for a long time., so that you don’t have enough time to spend on mobile. Make yourself busy in other things, like reading books or magazines and don’t read them virtually but physical copies.

· Try becoming independent

Don’t be dependent on the phone for every little thing, make your brain work. Give your brain a little exercise. If you are discussing something and can’t remember the name of a person related, try to remember don’t just jump on your mobile phone to search about it.

· Spend more time with friends or family

When you spend time with your family and friends you tend to forget about your mobile because youhave fun with them. You also meet people directly than through the device. It will also help you reduce the feeling of left out.

· Don’t take your phone everywhere you go

Avoid carrying your mobile everywhere you go. This will help you stay away from your phone for a long time. Spend time in nature, observe nature you’ll learn many new things.

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