If you want to reclaim the happiness you knew as a kid, then you need to have a look at the following ways.

1. Laugh

The laughter that bubbles through you when a baby goes through her gurgling fits of laughter, gives you immense joy and happiness. It is a great reminder of the power that laughter has. As an adult, we are caught up in a life full of worries and troubles that we forget to laugh at and miss out on a lot of happiness. So laugh and experience the joy in your life.

2. Listen more than you speak

A baby’s mind is full of confusion and when you talk she is totally captivated by it. She hangs on to every word that you speak and you tend to be her center of attention. You too need to adopt the same attitude wherein you learn from others more than we have to teach them.

3. Take risks and expect success

An eight months old is always up for taking risks. They set off on a mission to explore all the crooks and nooks of the house through their staggering crawling, clambering, and stretching. As an adult, our perspective is different and we always look out for dangers. Rather than being cautious every time, go ahead and trust your capabilities that you’d succeed in life.

4. Live in the present

A baby has no idea of the present and future. They accept joy and painfully. If she gets hurt, she doesn’t dwell much on the pain. A little distraction is enough to get her smiling self back. You too can adopt the same attitude and start living in the present moment.

5. Identify that you do not need things to make you happy

Find joy in the smallest of things. Visiting a baby after a day or two of vacation, the smile that graces her face is no match to any of the gifts you get her. It shows that she values your presence more than your gift.

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