1. Active Optimism
Active optimism isn’t just expecting that things will turn out good; it’s believing that things will turn out well and then taking steps to make that happen. In a relationship, this entails agreeing to refrain from making critical, cruel, or cynical remarks to harness the power of a positive self-fulfilling prophecy.
2. Honesty, Acceptance of Responsibility for One’s Actions, Integrity, and Forgiveness
We are bound to create resilience in our relationships if we commit to taking responsibility for our acts, being loyal to one another, and forgiving one another. This contains the classic adage that, regardless of the outcome or consequences, honesty is the best policy.
3. Determination
This entails having the courage to act, even if it is unpopular or causes conflict in a relationship. Taking decisive action can mean leaving a toxic or non-serving relationship, and it can also mean promoting one’s resilience.
4. Perseverance
The ability to persevere in the face of adversity, setbacks, and failures is referred to as tenacity. In partnerships, it’s critical to understand that there will always be ebbs and flows, good and bad times.
5. Self-discipline
The capacity to regulate impulses, resist temptations and defer gratification are all vital traits in relationships. Self-control allows one to avoid behaviours that harm their relationship while supporting positive behaviours, especially when faced with hardship.
6. Honest Communication Promotes Interpersonal Connectivity
Through open, honest communication, a relationship’s sense of “belonging” and closeness is maintained and honed. The most difficult talks to conduct are frequently the most crucial.
7. Mindfulness
Present mindedness offers numerous benefits for individuals, and this is also true for couples in a relationship. Within a partnership, present-minded awareness leads to a peaceful, non-judgmental thinking style and open communication. Rather than dismissing fresh ideas and assigning blame, presence of mind allows for collaborative thought and openness to new solutions.