The Greek philosopher of the Classical period , Aristotle was the founder of Lyceum, the Peripatetic school of philosophy and the Aristotelian tradition. He was the student of Plato who broke down and evaluated difficult problems of logic, biology, ethics and aesthetics.

Aristotle’s views and ideas on happiness were intertwined with the political ones. In his writings, he had stated that before one thinks about the happiness of the society, they should understand their own happiness because he was convinced that the leaders were concerned about the happiness of the people living in the society rather than themselves.

Aristotle believed that happiness depends on ourselves, not anyone else and that it is the main purpose of life. In that era, he devoted more of his time on the topic of happiness than other great thinkers.

Aristotle presumed that to be genuinely happy in life, there are many things in life that need to be fulfilled, at both mental and physical level.

He has argued that everything has a goal or purpose and that purpose is always to achieve something good in life.

According to Aristotle, the highest good for all humans is the purpose for which an action is performed because it is self sufficient and something final. He said that the highest or Chief good for humanity is Eudaimonia which means happiness.

In his view, happiness is achieving all the goods in life throughout the whole course of life.

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