Categories: Happiness

Best Food Types To Help You Deal With Anxiety

Consume a Variety of Complex Carbohydrates

Whole grain complex carbs help by guaranteeing a sustained release of energy into the bloodstream, preventing you from feeling sluggish. Carbs are also known to increase serotonin levels in the brain, popularly known as the “happy hormone.” To stay energised and happy, make sure each main meal is well-spaced and contains oats, whole wheat, quinoa, barley, or other whole grains.

Consume citrus fruits regularly.

Citrus fruits provide the most vitamin C, which aids with stress management. Vitamin C has been shown to alleviate physical and mental stress by keeping cortisol levels from rising. Cortisol is the “Fight or Flight” hormone that is released when we are stressed, and it has been related to a variety of health problems.

Foods High in Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that has been related to lowering anxiety-inducing brain activities. The easiest method to obtain magnesium into our diet is through green leafy vegetables. Make sure you get enough greens, from spinach to kale, to keep calm. Avocados, legumes, and bananas are other energising foods. Magnesium also helps to reduce inflammation, which is a common side effect of anxiety.

Foods High in Zinc

Zinc (found in cashews, poultry, and eggs) is another mineral that helps our bodies cope with stress. Zinc is also essential for maintaining a healthy neurological system and the vagus nerve, which connects the brain to the rest of the body. We are peaceful and healthy when our nerves are tranquil and healthy.

Increase your Omega-3 intake

Omega-3 fatty acids have been related to reducing oxidative stress and reducing anxiety through enhancing brain functions. This beneficial fat is abundant in fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds. Make sure you have plenty; extra isn’t necessary.

Also Read: Affirmations To Boost Up Confidence And Anxiety

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