Whether a person is happy or sad, depends on the type of people he is surrounded with. If an individual is often with people who are always sad or people with negative perspective ultimately will affect you, by living with them you will also be unhappy. But if you are surrounded by a person with positivity and an individual who is always happy, will also make you a happy person.

Our life is too short, so enjoy and spend the life with a happy person and people who will boost your confidence and not with unhappy people because it will ultimately low down your confidence level because when you are happy your mind is free from stress, and if there is no stress then it will lead to increase in your confidence level but if you are sad, your mind is filled with multiple thoughts which put you in stressful situations and this stress decreases your level of confidence.

If you are in stressful situations and you cannot get out of it but if you have your friends or colleagues who are always happy and when you contact them you also become happy in this process you forget your stress. And you will even get the power to deal with stressful situations. And when you confidently deal with that stress you get happiness in your life.

So if you desire to be away from negativity, stress, and sadness, always keep yourself away from the surrounding which leads to this situation, and surround yourself with cheerful and happy people to be happy.

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