Adversity means hardships or difficulties or problems, which many of us face in our day to day life. Some of them are small and some of them are huge. Dealing with adverse situation depends on our attitude towards them. If we see them as opportunities to learn we can overcome them easily but if we see them as problems and with negative attitude, it will affect our lives negatively. So here are some tips to help you overcome adversity.

· Be self-compassionate

There is no great love than self love. Be compassionate towards yourself, invest in your own development. Adverse situations are faced by everyone but if we love ourselves and give importance to our happiness more than the difficulties we will surely find the way out. We must not use adversity as an excuse, instead take it as a challenge and grow through it.

· Adopt humour

When you are in emotional state of mind, humour comes to your rescue. Make humour a part of your routine. It will help you become stress free and then work on the problems to find better solution.

· Stay positive

Stay positive during hardships, take every situation as an opportunity to learn something new. Staying positive helps you keep yourself calm. It also keeps negative thoughts away. There is always something good in every situation try to find the good in the negative situation. A positive attitude is going to bring you back in race of life much faster. So stay positive keep searching for the silver lining.

· Believe in you

Don’t let anyone or anything define you. You know yourself better than anyone else. Keep faith in yourself. When adversity hits first it affects our self-esteem, but you must realise that problems are just the experience and they cannot define you. Trust yourself that you can overcome this situation with grace.

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