Categories: Happiness

What Does Lincoln Mean When He Says, “Folks Are Usually About As Happy As They Make Their Minds Up To Be”

Life is all about problems and struggles but our perspective on life makes it barely and keeps us happy.

The people in your life and your satisfying work makes you feel better about yourself. You believe that happiness, peace, joy and other positives are your natural state.

When you achieve your goals in an organised way, you feel happy because you train your mind to feel happiness in such a way.

If you are unhappy or are feeling low then you have to correct it and unleash your inner potentials by truly accepting yourself.

Facts about yourself that you need to accept;

1. You Are Important

First of all, you need to make yourself your priority and consider yourself important to you. Only you and you have the capacity to give meaning to the things that you see and hear.

You are important to your family, friends and colleagues as the things you say and do tends to have an impact on them.

2. You Are Capable of Building Your Life

You were born with skills and talents. What you are today is just a glimpse of what more you can achieve tomorrow. All you have to do is enhance your skills and unlock your potential to build yourself a bright future.

Your belief in yourself is key to achieving the things you want in life.

3. Believe That You Are A Good Person

Truly believe that you are a good person and are worthy of all good things in life. If you are unable to do so, you would be unhappy.

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Also Read: Acceptance Is The Key Factor To Gaining Peace


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