Categories: Happiness

What Does Trauma & Healing Teach Us

Accidents, disease, loss, and violence are all things that people seek to avoid in their lives. Unfortunately, few of us will walk away from life undamaged. According to a recent PTSD study, 75% of people will be exposed to a traumatic event at some point in their lives.

These terrible experiences will undoubtedly result in a tremendous deal of misery. But it’s not all doom and gloom. Trauma, on the other hand, can be a strong catalyst for constructive transformation.

Here are some lessons trauma and healing teach us.

1. You are not the result of what happened to you

This one often hits close to heart since many of us use trauma as a personal identity, which is a very unhealthy way of thinking about ourselves. Trauma should never be used as a personal identification – our wounds do not determine who we are.

2. It’s okay to be angry about your past, but you have to let things go eventually

This is a difficult lesson to grasp, but it is worth noting that sentiments of rage following trauma are valid and, in many cases, fit the realities of the situation. However, remaining enraged with whoever prevents you from obtaining closure and finding peace.

3. Rather than acting from an emotional place, use your “wise mind”

The concept of the “smart mind” is a therapeutic one, but it essentially indicates that the emotional and cognitive sides of your brain must “play nice” for you to live your best life. It may not be as simple as it appears to practise this therapeutic skill, but it is well worth the effort.

4. Attempt to love yourself, even if it’s difficult

This is something we hear all the time, and we know how difficult it may be. We’ve all been told that loving yourself is the most important coping tool for making your condition livable. We all know how frequently we hear about the necessity of loving oneself that it’s become a cliche, yet it’s true.

5. Hold yourself responsible, but don’t punish yourself

It’s critical to take responsibility for your acts while remaining kind and patient with yourself at the same time. We’re all human, and we’re all prone to making mistakes. We are perfect in our flaws.

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Also Read: Why Is It Important To Have A Quality Me Time To Stay Happy


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