Why does getting your first salary make you happy?

At the time we get a job and start working for some company, we feel joy on two occasions. First is when we get the job!! The interview goes well, we present ourselves well and we get a placement. That is one of the happiest feelings in our life. Second is when we get our paycheck or first salary. That feels like a real solid achievement. We suddenly stop worrying about everything and start thinking of the ways to spend the money we earned by working so hard.

The reason we enjoy it so much may differ from person to person.

  1. We finally receive the fruit of all our hard work and stress we went through. Nursery, school, college, graduation and finally all those phases are over and now it’s time to make use of all that we learned.
  2. There is no need to think about fees or any kinds of payments. Now it’s only working and earning. We are done spending money on school or tutors. Now we only receive the fruit of our efforts.
  3. We become financially independent. No more asking for money to our parents. Now it is time to be responsible and help our parents financially.
  4. You can now think about your needs. How many things have you skipped buying because you didn’t have enough money? You can finally get new clothes or a new pair of shoes.
  5. You can start saving money for your future. We all have plans to travel, get married and have kids. All this requires us to be financially stable and after we get our salary it all feels possible.
  6. You no longer hold back on buying anything for your loved ones. You can finally buy something for your parents or younger siblings. Also, now you can gift something to your girlfriend or best friend.

All these thoughts seem easy and possible for us after we receive our salary. It is all fine and good, but remember not to get carried away. More power brings more responsibilities. Start by paying off your debts or loans if you have any. Make sure you have some money saved for any emergencies. Don’t be hasty in making any wrong investments. Thinking about all this is what makes us adult.


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