Spot reduction is a fat-burning procedure that focuses on a single body part, such as the arms. Despite its popularity in the fitness industry, the majority of studies have concluded that spot reduction is ineffective. According to a study involving 104 adults, a 12-week resistance training programme using only the non-dominant arm increased total fat loss but did not affect the specific area being addressed.
Resistance training is a type of exercise that involves working against a force to increase muscle mass and strength. Lifting weights is a good example. While it may not cause a specific fat reduction in your arms, it can aid in weight loss and arm toning to make them appear leaner. For example, a 12-week trial in 28 women with type 2 diabetes found that low-intensity resistance exercise increased muscle mass and strength while promoting overall fat reduction.
Adding a few extra servings of fibre to your diet will help you lose weight and body fat more quickly. Fibre takes longer to travel through your digestive system, taking longer to empty your stomach and making you feel fuller for longer. Over 20 months, one research of 252 women found that each gramme of dietary fibre taken resulted in 0.25 per cent less body fat and 0.5 pounds (0.25 kg) less body weight.
Increasing your protein intake is another simple approach to controlling your appetite and curbing cravings. As a result, you may be able to regulate your weight and lose excess body fat. In a study of 20 young women, having a high-protein breakfast reduced appetite increased fullness, and reduced levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone.
Also Read: Exercises to lose stubborn arm fat
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