· Seven-minute workout

The seven-minute workout is for someone who doesn’t find time to exercise and there is an app available to help you with it. The app claims to help lose weight and improve cardiovascular function. Download the app now.


· Cure.Fit

Cure. Fit is currently gaining popularity among the audience due to it’s around service experience. The app offers online coaching on yoga, fitness, meditation, doctor and nutrition.


· Home workout

Home work out is a series of app one of which has 100 M + downloads. This app is very helpful for people from different age group and people who are underweight or overweight there are many exercises to help you get into the desired shape.


· Google fit

Google fit claims to coach you to live a healthier and active life. It helps you set daily goals and upon achieving gives you points. A great way to motivate. It also enables you to track your progress from your phone and monitor your goals. Overall a great app.


· Glo

Flo is one of the top-rated app specially dedicated to yoga and Pilates. If you are into the yoga of Pilates you must definitely download this app.


· Healthify me

Healthify me helps you have personalised diet plans that can help you lose weight. They also provide home work out schedules, specially no equipment work out for both men and women.


· My fitness pal

From food tracking to exercise the app is an all rounder that will help you lose weight with its amazing diet plans and goal setting feature.


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