Everyone must have told you that regular exercise is must and does wonders to your health. Among many things, It strengthens your muscles and bones, improves cardiovascular health, reduces stress, boosts memory and promotes better sleep. We all know about the benefits of exercise, but did anyone tell you what mistakes you do when you indulge in exercise? Let us tell you about 5 common mistakes people do while working out and you must definitely avoid them.

· Not getting enough sleep

One of the most common mistakes people do is not sleeping enough. To begin with, unless you have had enough sleep you can’t be at your best. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep because sleep keeps you energized and enhances muscle growth and recovery.

· Skipping warm-up

The warmup is very essential before you begin with your exercise. When you warm up you actually get your heart racing slowly and thus when you start exercising it doesn’t bring a sudden change in your heartbeat. Also, warm-up helps you become more flexible as it includes stretching and some basic exercises. This in turn helps you when you exercise and also allows you to avoid injuries that might cause due to lack of flexibility.

· Overlooking recovery

When you over train, it’s vital that you give your body time to heal and rejuvenate. You can’t just overlook the soreness of muscles as further it can cause major harm to your tissues. So, if you worked out for a longer period take a break for a day or two to let your body heal, use necessary techniques to enhance the healing process.

· Being inconsistent

Consistency is very important if you want to see the results. If you exercise for one day and then stop for 2 weeks and again exercise for one day then it might show absolutely no result on your body. You must exercise at least three times a week and a good 30 minutes of exercise to see results.

· Thrifting fluids

Economizing with fluids is not a great deal to go for. Whether you are working out or not, staying hydrated is very important. And when you are working out you must drink more water than regular as your body sweats while exercising and a lot of water from your body is excreted thus to not get yourself dehydrated you must drink a lot of water, juices and other healthy fluids.

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