Do you ever feel tired after a long workday? Do your body gets stiff after a workout? Do you have concentration issues?

Well, in this modern world everybody is busy in their schedule and they suffering from various miseries like sleepless nights and the absence of daily exercise which makes your body sluggish and feel tired and weak.

You’ll be surprised that the ancient science of Ayurveda has secret benefits for your body in more than one way.

According to Ayurveda exercising daily e help us to bring back stability in physical as well as mental health. It keeps your metabolism active by clearing your stool transport and results in decongestion and stressfree body. Having a healthy diet (अन्नपूर्ण) is essential for our body to perform well and to boost your energy levels. Ayurveda also suggests you avoid junk food and eat clean homemade food. Ayurvedic ways of living are considered to be one of the best ways to live your life.

Ayurveda says there are three types of bodies and should be considered while working out and eating habits.

  • Vata type-

These types of the body which are slim, fast movement exercising, and light sports is the correct way of working out for them. So cycling dancing swimming or walking a sum of the activities that vata type body should I opt for.

  • Pitta type-

These types of bodies can work out for a longer period and can manage to maintain stamina. So they can opt for jogging, swimming, high-intensity workouts, or climbing.

  • Kapha type-

These types of bodies are the ones with pitta type bodies but are too lazy to work out. This type of people should opt for lazy exercises like yoga or simple walking