This flavorful Lemon Butter Chicken is simply outstanding! Every mouthful is amazing and flavorful. This meal is so flavorful that you’ll want more.
You develop a routine of consistently cooking the same chicken dishes. Well, if you’re sick of the same old chicken dish, check this one out if you need to shake things up a little.
We need something easy and uncomplicated in our lives, therefore let’s speak about the straightforward components in this cuisine. Fresh spinach, paprika, lemon, freshly cracked pepper, heavy cream, and chicken breasts with fresh garlic and pepper. Easy! Oh, and the white wine that is listed among the ingredients is entirely optional. We assure you that it still tastes wonderful without the wine, so feel free to omit it. Absolutely nice!
The chicken will first be sauteed for two to three minutes on each side. When the chicken has done sautéing, lay it aside while you prepare the sauce.
Making this sauce is a lot of fun since it comes together quickly and tastes amazing. Making the sauce is as simple as sautéing fresh minced garlic in butter, followed by the addition of heavy cream, Parmesan cheese, lemon juice, and thyme. The fresh spinach will be added once the sauce has reached a moderate rolling boil and cooked until it begins to wilt.
The sautéed chicken will be added to the sauce when it starts to slightly thicken, and the entire dish will then be baked in the oven to complete the cooking process. The paprika enhances the delicious sautéing of the chicken!
Your meal is ready to eat after the chicken has finished baking in the oven! Look at how delicious this food comes out! This chicken is incredibly juicy and flavorful!
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