Menstrual symptoms vary from woman to woman, but some of the most frequent ones include abdominal cramps, leg discomfort, back pain, profuse bleeding, and sore breasts. According to studies, women begin menstruation around the age of 11 to 14 and continue until they reach menopause, which occurs around the age of 50. One of the most prevalent issues that women experience is irregular menstruation. Here are a few simple home cures to help you out. Here are five easy at-home cures for irregular periods:


When it comes to menstrual problems, cinnamon is a miracle worker. Cinnamon can even aid in the treatment of PCOS. It aids in the regularisation of your periods as well as the reduction of period pain.


Ginger aids in the relief of PMS symptoms and the regularisation of periods. To achieve the best results, begin consuming ginger seven days before your due date. It also aids in the reduction of blood loss during menstruation.


Pineapple is an excellent home treatment for menstrual irregularities. Pineapple includes bromelain, an enzyme that softens the uterine lining and aids in period regulation. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which aids in the relief of period discomfort.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar aids in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the treatment of PCOS. Make sure you only drink apple cider vinegar after diluting it.


Cumin helps to correct irregular periods by constricting uterine muscles. To achieve the finest results, drink warm water with cumin that has been soaked overnight.

Also Read: Fatigue During Period? 5 Easy Ways To Kick Away Fatigue