Categories: Health and Fitness

How To Be Safe During Covid Third Wave? Read Now

Here’s what we could do the as common man to avoid Covid 3rd wave

According to government scientists, stopping the third wave of COVID-19 is not impossible if everyone adheres to the basic precautions of wearing a mask, hand washing/sanitizing, and keeping a 6-foot physical distance. With novel varieties wreaking havoc, like the Delta variant, the focus has moved to prioritise both prevention and immunisation. India confronts a significant obstacle in meeting its lofty objective of having a billion people fully vaccinated by the end of the year.

One of the key figures mentioned is the percentage of people who have been fully vaccinated, which stands at 60%. It is expected that if we can achieve herd immunity, we would be able to reduce the likelihood of an intense third wave. It can, at best, prevent a third wave from forming. We’ll be able to control the third wave even if it arrives. Due to the low number of cases during the second wave, the general public has become more comfortable using masks and social distancing practices. So, what are our options for avoiding the third wave? It’s as simple as wearing a mask in public, maintaining social distance, frequently sanitising your hands, and, most importantly, being vaccinated as soon as possible.

Here is how we can prevent Covid 3rd wave in children

Some people are concerned that the ‘inevitable’ third wave would disproportionately affect children. This theory is based on the fact that children were generally safe throughout the first and second waves of the pandemic. However, with more individuals returning to work outside and the public situation changing, youngsters may now be at a higher risk of contracting the virus. The reality is that most youngsters only get a minor case of this viral disease. Furthermore, most children do not have any of the comorbidities or health problems that adults experience (hypertension, diabetes, heart and lung diseases). As a result, their chances of having problems during COVID-19 are reduced even further.

Multi-System Inflammatory Disease of Children (MIS-C) is a rare but serious condition. Because of the virus’s nature, standard precautions are sufficient to prevent the third wave of COVID-19 in youngsters. Make sure your child is following these safety precautions even when they are not in your immediate vicinity, and instil in them the importance of being watchful without causing them worry or alarm. Because youngsters copy what their adults do, avoid superfluous gatherings and sincerely follow COVID acceptable behaviour.

Also Read: FIVE Things COVID taught us

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