Categories: Health and Fitness

How to get rid of scars after an injury

While a few people believe their scars to be signs of pride, others simply need them to disappear, especially if the scars are somewhere on their facial area or easily visible on their body.  Since they can influence your appearance, they can cause you to feel reluctant. If you need to dispose of an old scar, you have to comprehend what a scar is and what type you’re attempting to dispose of. A scar structures as a component of the common healing measure following a physical issue or accident. Whenever the dermis which is the second layer of skin is harmed, your body structures collagen filaments to fix the area with cuts or wounds, and that outcomes in a scar. Here are some things you can try to make them go away: –

  • Aloe vera – Cut the long thorny part of an aloe vera plant, and strip it to get a transparent gel-like product. Apply it on your scar and keep it for at least an hour. Rinse it with water after one hour and do this twice a day for best results.
  • Honey – A lot of people who know the benefits of honey already use it to get rid of scars. Just apply honey to the affected area and rinse it after it gets dry.
  • Coconut oil – Take a little coconut oil on a spoon and heat it to liquefy the same. Apply it on the wound and gently massage for 10 minutes.
  • Vitamin E – Buy some Vitamin E capsules and cut it open to get the oil inside it. Apply it on the wound and massage the affected area. After 20 minutes wash it with some hot water.
  • Olive oil with lavender – Mix three drops of lavender oil with extra virgin olive oil and gently massage it on the scar. Leave it that way for at least 30 minutes and wash it off after that. Do this at least thrice a day.
  • Baking soda – Take two tablespoons of baking powder and add water to it slowly. Keep mixing it to form a paste. Apply this paste on the scar and leave it that way for 15 minutes. Rinse it afterwards and try this every day.
  • Lemon – Cut a fresh lemon and squeeze its juice on the scar. Leave it that way for 10min and then rinse it off. Repeat this step every day at the same time for best results.

Don’t be hasty to get rid of the wound. Your injury might have not fully healed and doing any of the above steps can bring you more pain or burning sensation. If anything seems to have an allergic reaction, consult your doctor immediately.


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