Categories: Health and Fitness

Sleep In This Posture After Dinner Tonight To Promote Digestion And Lessen Heartburn

Blame unpredictable lives or unhealthy eating habits for the rise in frequency of digestive problems including bloating, acid reflux, and constipation in modern society. The way you sleep may be just as important to digestion as other factors like drinking enough water, working out frequently, digesting food thoroughly, and consuming foods high in fiber. Sleeping positions at night can have an impact on gut health since they improve digestion and lessen heartburn.

Which sleeping posture is therefore the best for enhancing digestion? As it is easier to move food that has been digested from the small to the large intestine when sleeping on the left side, it has more positive effects on health. According to Dr. Manira Dhasmana, Associate Consultant, Internal Medicine, Max Super Specialty Hospital, Dehradun, sleeping on the left side also reduces conditions like gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, which causes belching and heartburn.

Dr. Mahesh Gupta, the Senior Consultant in Gastroenterology at the Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, concurred and advised sleeping on the left side for optimal digestion. “The stomach is on the left side of the body, below the esophagus,” he continued to clarify. “Stomach acid finds it challenging to defy gravity and climb up the digestive tract when we sleep on our left sides. On the other side, gravity maintains stomach acid, potentially reducing the danger of heartburn and indigestion symptoms.”

Knowing the effects of sleeping on your right, back, or stomach is just as important as knowing that the left side is the optimum resting position for digestion. It is bad to sleep on your right side after eating, according to doctors. According to Dr. Dhamsana, “it causes heartburn and indigestion.”

A stomach is also not a good idea. If you suffer heartburn brought on by GERD or acid reflux, sleeping on your back is not the ideal position. According to Dr. Gupta, lying on one’s back forces acid to enter the throat once more, causing burning and pain all night long.

Source:The Indian Express


Also Read: Here Are Some Ways That Sitting Might Interfere With Your Sleep In Addition To Making You Fat

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