Constipation and diarrhea are common digestive problems that can arise during pregnancy. Changes in hormones, dietary changes, and increased stress are all to blame. The truth is that pregnant women struggle with diarrhea frequently, and if they aren’t careful, it can lead to complications.


Here are a few causes for diarrhoea during pregnancy

1) Dietary changes are implemented

When a woman learns she is pregnant, she often makes drastic dietary adjustments. This abrupt change in your eating habits may irritate your stomach and produce diarrhea.

2) New food sensitivities have emerged

One of the many changes you’ll go through throughout pregnancy is food intolerance. Foods that were never a problem for you before you became pregnant may suddenly cause gas, upset stomach, and diarrhoea.

3) Vitamins for pregnant women

Prenatal vitamins are beneficial to both you and your developing baby’s health. These vitamins, on the other hand, may upset your stomach and induce diarrhea.

4) Hormone shifts

Hormones can cause your digestive system to slow down, resulting in constipation. Hormones can also make the digestive system work faster, which can lead to diarrhea.


Here are some remedies to deal with diarrhoea during pregnancy

1) The majority of diarrhea cases will go away in a few days. If your diarrhea is caused by food poisoning, a bug or virus, or bacteria, this is frequently the case. Keep yourself hydrated.

2) Take into account your medication. If you’re taking a medicine that’s causing diarrhea, your body may be able to adjust to it and diarrhea may go away. If not, consult your physician.

3) Avoid food like high-fat, fried foods, spicy foods, milk and dairy products, and high-fiber foods should all be avoided. Include easy to digest foods like banana, rice, etc in your diet.

4) Diarrhea causes your body to lose water, so drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Other drinks, such as chicken or vegetable broth and electrolyte replacement products, can assist restore electrolytes lost during diarrhea. It is necessary to keep yourself hydrated.

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