Categories: Health and Fitness

What Causes Dizziness- Part 2

Dizziness caused by circulatory issues

You may feel dizzy, faint, or off-balance if your heart isn’t pumping enough blood to your brain. Among the causes are:

Drop-in blood pressure

A significant reduction in your systolic blood pressure. The higher the number in your blood pressure reading, the more lightheaded you will feel. It can happen when you sit up or stand up too rapidly. This is also known as orthostatic hypotension.

Poor blood circulation

Dizziness can be caused by conditions such as cardiomyopathy, heart attack, heart arrhythmia, and transient ischemic attack. A decrease in blood volume may also result in insufficient blood supply to your brain or inner ear.

Other causes of dizziness

Neurological disorders

Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis are two neurological conditions that can cause an increasing loss of balance.


Certain medications, such as anti-seizure medications, antidepressants, sedatives, and tranquilizers, can cause dizziness. Blood pressure drugs, in particular, might cause faintness if they drop your blood pressure too much.

Anxiety problems

Certain anxiety problems can create lightheadedness or a woozy sensation, which is commonly referred to as dizziness. Panic attacks and aversion to leaving the house or being in wide, open spaces are two examples (agoraphobia).

Iron deficiency (anemia)

If you have anemia, you may also have fatigue, weakness, and pale skin in addition to dizziness.

Low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia)

This disease is most common in diabetics who use insulin. Sweating and nervousness may accompany dizziness (lightheadedness).

Poisoning by carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms are frequently described as “flu-like,” including headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest discomfort, and confusion.

Dehydration and overheating

If you exercise in hot conditions or do not drink enough fluids, you may have dizziness due to overheating (hyperthermia) or dehydration. This is especially crucial if you are using certain heart drugs.

Credits- Mayo Clinic

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