Categories: Inspiration

5 Inspiring Lessons Of Life To Learn From The Beautiful Harley Quinn Margot Robbie

1. Nothing goes wasted

At the age of 8, Robbie was enlisted in a trapeze program by her mother at a circus school, this may seem as not a very useful skill but in 2016, Robbie’s learning became useful when she was asked to play trapeze artist Lillian Leitzel in the queen of the air.

2. Start something of your own

Apart from being a superstar actress, Robbie also runs her own Hollywood production company, which has produced tv shows such as NBC’S shattered glass and Hulu’s dollface, the company is even working on her film birds of prey.

3. Hard work pays off

Nearly every Hollywood actress was considered for the role of Harley Quinn in suicide squad but Robbie got the role, she even said that she got the role even without auditioning, which is a real step up as an actress when you get offered the role, all these years of her hard work has paid off.

4. Play a sport

Robbie is a huge hockey fan. She explained her unlikely obsession with hockey. She said I always wanted to play ice hockey back in Australia, but it wasn’t possible because there was no ice and the weather was hot. So she used to play playground hockey, but when she finally came to America she joined a team.

5. Everything happens for a reason

Robbie said he is what we have to tell ourselves all the time because it is best to have the idea that whatever is happening is going to be good. After all, it is happening for a reason.

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