This motivational film tells the story of a young teacher who made an attempt to inspire her students to pursue further education despite their difficult early school days. Freedom Writers advises you to always keep your ultimate end goal in mind and to work towards it. Students who see this film will undoubtedly live their aspirations with tolerance and hard work.
This 2009 American drama film was based on a book about a young girl who was harassed mentally, physically, and sexually in her early years. Precious talks about how a high school teacher motivated her and how she was able to fight back and improve her and her children’s lives. This film is extremely motivating for kids to fight their way through life and fulfill achievement.
Do you struggle to maintain your motivation to achieve your goals? The Paper Chase, directed by James Bridges in 1973, can be very encouraging for you to achieve your goals despite all difficulties and obstacles. This film is based on the true story of James T. Hart, who overcame all of his problems during his first year at Harvard and emerged victorious.
It is a true story about a salesperson who used to sleep on the train and subsequently utilized his willpower and hard work to overcome the barriers and become a successful man. The Pursuit of Happiness conveys the lesson that one should not give up on his aspirations no matter what obstacles arise. His perseverance and hard work, as well as his determination not to miss any chance that came his way, paid off in the end.
The 2012 American play was a visual masterpiece with superb execution that is very encouraging for pupils. This incredible film was directed by Ang Lee and depicts the story of a young kid who survived a shipwreck at the age of 16 after his family died. Life of Pi, in fact, provides pupils with many new notions, such as learning how to let go, the significance of having faith in yourself, and the global urge for survival.
Also Read: Inspiring Quotes To Channel Your Inner Boss From Samantha Ruth Prabhu
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