Categories: Inspiration

5 Lessons From Movie Fault In Our Stars

Take a look at some of the most valuable lessons fault in our stars taught us

1. Everyone you encounter is waging a war of their own.

Even at its most basic level, The Fault In Our Stars can serve as a reminder to some preteens and of course, adults — that you never know what others are going through. Don’t be a jerk. Perhaps after reading this book, people will look at a girl your age with a nasal cannula, a guy with a prosthetic leg, or a blind child behind sunglasses with empathy rather than as “other.” Perhaps they will choose to be pleasant and friendly rather than dismissive or worse, bullying.

2. It’s fine to express your emotions.

Hazel lives in a self-created bubble for the majority of her life, pretending that everything is normal in order to protect others around her. However, she realises that this is a bad idea. Engage with your friends and family; they’ve been placed in your life to assist you. As Augustus does, express your anxieties by crying them out, breaking items, and egging automobiles. When you’re going through a difficult time, you don’t always have to put on a brave front; let others in to assist you.

3. Your sickness does not define you.

There are no words to express how much I wish I had this book when I was a preteen dealing with my own disease. It can really teach us to remember that while an illness becomes a part of who we are, it does not define us. For others who are struggling with the same diagnosis or congenital disease, it can truly teach us all to remember that while an illness becomes a part of who we are, it does not define us. What’s more, you know what? You’ve got this.

4. It’s not always possible to get exactly what you desire.

How many times have you heard someone in your life say, “But it’s not fair!”? Guess what, the world isn’t fair, as The Fault in Our Stars puts it bluntly. You’ve got the wrong scorecard if you’re playing along believing it’ll be fair. But there is still hope — and that is an important message of the novel, one that isn’t entirely good or bad, and one that we shouldn’t allow our middle schoolers overlook.

5. You are Important.

What better way to teach middle school students that their actions and words have an impact on people’s lives, for better or worse? It’s a nudge to encourage individuals to look beyond themselves, to be kind to friends, and to treat others as they’d like to be treated. You don’t

Also Read: 7 Romantic Novels That Will Make You Believe In True Love

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