Categories: Inspiration

Inspiration Everywhere: If The Lion Is Not The Biggest Or The Fastest Why Did He Become The King Of The Jungle?

Ever since childhood, we have been taught that Lion is the king of the jungle. But have you ever wondered why the lion is the king of the jungle? If you think of it, he is not the biggest animal in the jungle. It is the elephant that is the biggest animal in the jungle. The lion is not even the fastest animal in the jungle because a cheetah is the fastest animal. So what makes the lion the king of the jungle if he isn’t the fastest nor the biggest animal?

The most powerful people or rulers of a country are referred to as kings. Perhaps this is why the lion is regarded as king: it has complete authority over the territory it lives on, as well as all of the other animals that reside there. The lion is known for his bravery. The lion will NEVER give up, even if surrounded by ten hyenas — the struggle is never finished until it is over!

Perhaps you aren’t surrounded by hyenas, but rather by bills, and you need to stand up for something you believe in but no one else does. DO NOT QUIT OR GIVE UP. FEARLESSLY GO AFTER WHAT YOU REALLY WANT IN LIFE! Keep going.

Because of their physical power and strength, lions are the monarchs of the jungle. Lions have no fear of other animals, yet they have adversaries, just like any other ruler. He has the courage to rule the jungle.

EVERYTHING of worth is guarded by the lion. The Family, his pact, the jungle, everything! Lion teaches us to be protective of the things that matter to us.

What makes the lion the king of the jungle is his mentality. The only distinction between a lion and an elephant is that a lion thinks of food when he sights an elephant, but an elephant considers escaping. Because he has a unique mentality, the lion is the King of the Jungle. The way a lion thinks is mirrored in his behaviors. Because of this, the lion is respected above all other animals in the animal realm. Everyone wants to be the lion because of his mentality.

Even though lions are reported to sleep for roughly 20 hours a day, they NEVER GO HUNGRY. This shows competency.

They get up and get to work! Competence is rewarded handsomely. It doesn’t matter how many hours you worked. What matters is how much VALUE you added. Work with laser focus, merciless determination, and a burning desire to do everything to the best of your ability on the things that are important in your life.

Here is a video on lion mentality that will inspire and motivate you.

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