Categories: Inspiration

Inspiration from toppers of the class

“Winners don’t wait for chances, they take them.” Every year many students appear for different exams, many fail, many get success, very few excel, and score good marks. Many students have different strategies and plans, to get excellent success. If we consider toppers in the class, they are truly hard working. They sacrifice many things, like their hobbies, friends, and even sometimes family to reach this goal.

Topping is always difficult because of the high competition level. But there are many students who topped class despite odd things happening around them.

Toppers always inspire all other students in the class. There are many inspiring stories about success. Here we look at a few inspirations from the toppers of the class.

One student scored 95%, in the board exam for 12th standard. He was battling bone cancer. Despite suffering from the disease, he didn’t let it affect his studies and emerged with flying colors, becoming an inspiration to many. He was suffering from cancer for the last three years. He even has written a book, which talks about his cancer struggle.

Blind students scored 98 pc. In his board exam. The student from Kerala achieved this success despite being partially blind. He is the auto driver. He emerged as the all India level topper in the differently-abled category. He was suffering from eye disease in which the wall of the eye and retina is damaged. Truly inspiring.

One girl student battled muscular spinal atrophy to emerge a topper. She suffers from this disease and wheelchair-bound. Despite suffering genetic disorder, she didn’t let struggle deter her from great success. She scored 97.8% Truly amazing and inspiring.

One student scored 98 pc. In spite of poor financial conditions. He is the son of the bus driver, worked hard to achieve his goal. He studied with determination and dedication and didn’t let his financial condition stop him from achieving success.

There are many such true inspiring stories about success of students who overcame all odds like, physical, financial, or medical odds to achieve something extraordinary. Those were truly inspiring students in the class.

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