Categories: Inspiration

Top 9 Lessons On Life We Learn From Mahabharata

The popular epic tale, Mahabharata has stored plenty of life lessons. The top 9 life lessons from this Hindu mythology are as follows

1. Support the Right Thing

When Arjuna was dicey about starting a war against his own family, Krishna advised him to stand with what is right and abide by his duties.

Right is right even if it means going against your own kin.

2. Greed Leads to Own Doom

The tale depicts Yudhishthir to be greedy and his greediness leads him to lose his possessions such as wealth and his kingdom.

3. Never Give Up

Karana has set a perfect example of never giving up in life. Since his birth, he has faced a lot of hurdles and discrimination in life. He even became the puppet in the hands of fate and yet nothing deterred him from achieving his goals.

4. Kindness Is the Biggest Virtue

Karna was known as Daanveer for his generous nature. He was the natural armor and preached the value of kindness. According to him, one should always have something to give and share.

5. Single-Minded Focus Benefits in Achieving Higher Goals

In order to achieve something bigger in life, it is better to focus and aim like Arjuna. A strong focus would help you acquire your desired goal.

6. Fight for Things That Belong to You

The Pandavas set a right example by fighting for what they thought to be right and what belonged to them.

7. Overemotional Can Be Harmful

Dritirashtra’s blind love for his son overpowered his principles and which later turned his son evil, leading to dire consequences.

8. Passion Is Glorious

Although Arjuna was the greatest archer in the whole world, Eklavya was still better than him. He learned things hiding behind a tree due to his passion for archery and became the best.

9. True Friends & Love Results in a Win

No matter the hurdles, the Pandavas were backed by Lord Krishna while the Kauravas by Karna. The powerful support of their friend led to their bloom.

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Also Read: Top 9 Lessons On Life We Learn From Bhagavad Gita


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