Categories: Inspiration

Warren Buffet-Inspired Quotes For Life

Warren Buffett is not just one of the greatest investors of all time; he also has a delightfully folksy and uncomplicated way of life that endears him to his admirers and investors. We’ve prepared a list of the top Buffett statements about life.

1. “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.”

2. “It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results.”

3. “Only when you combine sound intellect with emotional discipline; do you get rational behavior.”

4. “If you cannot control your emotions, you cannot control your money.”

5. “Without passion, you don’t have energy. Without energy, you have nothing.”

6. “Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.”

7. “If you are in a poker game and after 20 minutes, you don’t know who the patsy is, then you’re the patsy.”

8. “Can you really explain to a fish what it’s like to walk on land? One day on land is worth a thousand years of talking about it, and one day running a business has the same kind of value.”

9. “If past history was all that is needed to play the game of money, the richest people would be librarians.”

10. “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

11. “Tell me who your heroes are, and I’ll tell you how you’ll turn out to be.”

12. “It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours, and you’ll drift in that direction.”

Also Read: Inspiring Quotes From Chris Evans

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