Be cautious with what you say and share. Keep your responses focused on your abilities and qualifications. This is not the time or place to discuss your concerns; your priority should be to pique the employer’s attention first and then negotiate. The same is true for your honest feelings about your present (or previous) employment. Negativity does not go over well during job interviews because employers are looking for positive people, and disclosing too much personal information in a job interview will hurt your chances of getting hired.
“I really hate my job.” (Are you going to hate this job if they hire you?)
“I have a vacation planned in a few weeks.” (Wait to ask for time off until you have a job offer.)
“My boss is the worst.” (Are you going to say that about your new boss if things don’t work out?)
“My current employer is awful.” (Are you going to say that about the new company?)
“How much does this job pay?” (Let the employer bring up money first.)
“When do I get a vacation?” (Don’t ask about benefits until you’re offered the job.)
“Can you give me a taxi fare to get home?” (Figure out your transportation ahead of time.)
“Do you mind if I take this call?” (Your phone should be turned off before you head into the interview.)
“I really need this job.” (You don’t want to come across as desperate.)
“I don’t have all the experience you need, but I’m a quick learner.” (Let the interviewer figure out if you’re qualified and focus on the skills that you do have.)
“I don’t know.” (Don’t panic if you can’t think of an immediate answer to a question. Instead, buy some time to come up with a response by rephrasing the question and asking for clarification.)
Also Read: 10 Motivational Quotes To Read Before Giving An Important Interview
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