Many mompreneurs find themselves in a constant struggle or sense of guilt when deciding how to divide their time between their two loves – their families and their businesses. For women who choose to be both a mom and a business owner, the variety and depth of emotions can feel like an impossible weight.

The pressures of being a business owner while also caring for a family are more than one would think.

However, here are 5 tips for mompreneurs to balance their business and family life.

1. Get and keep organized with a plan

Keep all of your files and stationery in one location so that you can access them as soon as you need them. Make an effort to keep both your personal and work appointments on the same calendar so you don’t forget about them.

2. Start early

Of course, by the evening, you’ll be fatigued from work. To manage some of the household activities, try to get up early in the morning before your family does.

3. Make a schedule for your day

Always plan your day so that you can do all of your tasks while still being able to spend quality time with your family.

4. Take control of your time

Blocking time for self-care is sometimes necessary. You won’t be able to be there for others if you aren’t there for yourself – personally or professionally. Outside of being a leader and a mother, devote time and attention to your whole self. Keep in touch with what makes you joyful.

5. Ask for assistance

There is no shame in expressing your needs. It is tough to achieve without assistance. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page about how you can help each other.

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