Categories: Job Fulfillment

6 Pointers For Converting To A 4-Day Work Week

The four-day workweek is a straightforward idea: employees work four days, do five days’ worth of work, and receive five days’ worth of money. However, it has generated just as many questions for managers and leaders as it has possible solutions. Is the sacrifice worthwhile? Do we actually require workers to put in five days a week?

The 4-Day Week by Andrew Barnes detailed the several advantages of his company’s (Perpetual Guardian) trial of a four-day workweek. He said, “There, the shortened week was a complete success. In 80% of the time, employees were 25% more productive. A worldwide movement started when Barns turned into a short-week evangelist. A revolutionary idea that has been supported by actual evidence is difficult to dislike. However, the 4-day workweek simply felt a little too radical before the epidemic.”

Barnes’ organization has been quite active; they have assisted several businesses in participating in 4-day workweek trial programs. In November, a 72-company, six-month worldwide trial program in the UK came to an end. Similar trials are being conducted in the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland. However, despite the fact that research indicates that a reduced workweek does increase productivity and enhance employee well-being, some businesses are undecided. A crucial element is a proper implementation. You cannot just stop operating on Fridays. That won’t alter the nature of the contest.

So here’s a look at some proven strategies for effectively leveraging the advantages of a 4-day week:

1. Consider this a redesign for resilience

2. 80/100 should be the rule.

3. Look beyond employee happiness to operational advantages.

4. Don’t assume managers will object.

5. Lean into science.

6. Change your metrics, change your meetings.

Source: Forbes

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SuccessYeti Editor

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