Having a strong established network is very crucial in professional life. Let’s accept it, we can’t succeed all by ourselves, we need help and assistance from different people at different stages of our success. Only with the help of such people you can attain success. So, how do we find such people who would help us? That’s where we know networking is important. Through networking, we connect with many people from the same and different fields with similar visions or related vision and who can help us achieve what we want. Therefore, you must know how to network in order to excel in your professional life.

· Meet people through other people

One way to expand your network is to start meeting people and making connections through other people. For instance, you have 50 friends and acquaintances but those 50 people might have other 50 friends so connect with them through your friends and start building a professional network for your success.

· Help to connect

Just meeting other people won’t help your network to improve but connecting them on a personal level might help. So to connect them on a personal level you need to put in some efforts like helping them when they need you, having a friendly or professional chat with them. A small help from your side can help you win a connection which is by the way very Important in today’s professional world.

· Get social

Improve your network on social media pages, like LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram but especially on LinkedIn as there, you’ll find people from the same business and gives you easier access to people who you really need to connect with.

· Stay in touch

Staying in touch is equally important to building connections. Talking once and then never talking to them will not help you build an effective connection. Such networks will never help you when the need arises as it seems kind of selfish on your side to talk to them only when you need them. So stay connected, keep talking to them occasionally so that they feel that you are a genuine person.

· Attend social events

Social events like conferences, business fairs, etc are very crucial to attend. There you can find people from different fields yet related to each other and thus you can actually meet them and build a connection with them and not just talk to them online. Events are the great opportunities to improve your network, so never miss one and when you visit there don’t stay at one place keep seeing people and start a conversation with them.

This is how you can improve your network, though it is easy for extroverts, introverts might find problem to start a conversation but there’s no other deal here, you need to improve your communication skills in order to build a strong network that will help you lead to success.

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