Categories: Job Fulfillment

Things To Learn From The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel For Internet Marketers

An Amazon original, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel turns from a housewife to a comedian in late 1950s. All the seasons put forth ideas on content marketing and brand lessons as she undercovers the world of comedy.

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has set an example to all the marketers and entrepreneurs to overcome odds in life.

Here are few things internet marketer can learn from Mrs. Maisel.

1. Sometimes You Have to Bare Risks

When Mrs. Maisel’s husband leaves her for another woman, her life turns upside down. Pissed and drunk, she stumbles upon a stage to bare her soul to the audience.

Mrs. Maisel, hours prior, wouldn’t have spilled her guts but she took the risk and paid the dividend.

Markets and entrepreneurs should take risks to gain visibility in the market.

2. You Can’t Please Everyone

According to Mrs. Maisel, you can’t please everyone no matter how hard you try. There would always be people who would oppose or contradict you but that’s okay. You should stick to what you know and do the best at.

The people who are not pleased by you are not your actual customers.

3. You Are Your Best Story

If you are out of ideas, reflect on yourself – your experiences, interests and accomplishments. Take inspiration from your own personal life and use it to influence your audience.

4. Mount the Stage

Marketers face various odds and struggles in the market as they are in a constant plight of pushing their boundaries, setting up trends.

They should always be authentic and daunting to achieve great success.

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Also Read: Best Life Quotes From The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel


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