Certain things are never to be told to HR person for your own benefit. You must always think twice before saying anything to the HR during the interview and even after getting the job. There should always be restrictions on what you say to the HR because they are the only people between employees and the employers and therefore they are bound to share everything with the employer and one small mistake of yours can cost you your job. Below are a few things you should never talk about to HR.

· Talking about the second job

If ever tell the HR that you are working on another job while working in the organisation for full-time, then it might cause trouble for you. The delay of work, inefficiency and lack of ideas will all be blamed on your second job and you not being productive in this company. Also, never tell your HR that you are looking for another job unless you are ready to resign. Announcing before any confirmation can leave you jobless. As there would be procedure carried out to hire someone in your place and if you decide to not leave then you’ll be forced to resign.

· Telling them about love and relationships

Especially love interest in the office, many company ethics prohibit employees from having love affairs in the office. Many offices don’t allow a married couple to work together. Therefore, if you have a love interest, either forget about it or keep it a secret from the HR.

· Discussion about the previous job

Whatever the reasons may be for you quitting your earlier job, never talk about it to the HR. If there were any legal disputes or if you have filled any lawsuit against the previous employer, it’s recommended to not discuss it with the current HR of the company. If you share information about previous lawsuits with your new HR department, they are likely to look at you with suspicion or consider you a threat.

· Lies during the hiring process

While giving an interview with the HR, never lie about your skills. They might test you there and then and boom you are exposed. Be honest with your achievements, don’t boast as you might appear as an egoistic person. Be humble and don’t lie about anything during the interview.

· Transfer to another location

Don’t talk about the transfer unless you are absolutely sure. Your spouse might have received a transfer to another city and you would want to go with them but don’t put forward the topic unless the transfer of your husband is confirmed. As your current job will be soon allocated to someone else and you would be given some lower job and if your transfer is canceled you are stuck with it.

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