Do you relive the good times in your relationship to make yourself feel better about it? Do you use these as justifications to stay with him/her? If this is the case, it’s a symptom that your existing relationship isn’t working for you. We are living in a self-created reality the more we dwell in previous memories and/or a self-created future. This is risky since it does not reflect the current situation of the relationship.
We have a tendency to get blinded by positive memories from our former relationships. We become so engrossed in it that we forget about all the misery it brings us. If your relationship frequently leaves you frustrated/upset/unhappy; if your relationship frequently leaves you in tears, this could not be the correct person for you. You should be in a relationship that provides you happiness right now.
Unconditional love is the purest form of love. Unless it’s for your own good, your partner shouldn’t ask you to change.
The preceding is equally applicable to the other person as it is to you. If you’re remaining in a relationship or entering one with the expectation that the other person will change, you’re in it for the wrong reasons. You’re attempting to mold the person to match your expectations rather than accepting him or her for who he or she is.
Also Read: What Is The Distinction Between Privacy And Secrecy In A Relationship?
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