Categories: Love and Relationship

5 Things To Learn About Being In A Relationship From Elite’s Carla & Samuel

Carlos Montero and Daro Madrona created Elite, a Spanish thriller teen drama television series for Netflix that grew in popularity amongst youngsters. The series is a fictional exclusive secondary school and follows three working-class pupils who are accepted into the school through a scholarship program and their wealthy classmates. Carla and Samuel were one of Elite’s most unexpected couples. They were sworn foes in Elite Season 1, but in Elite Season 2, they discovered each other. Their chemistry was unparalleled.

Here are 5 things to learn from Elite’s Carla and Samuel’s relationship.

1. Samuel protected her

Samuel intervened when he noticed Nano harassing Carla. Carla was important to him, and he sought to protect her in his own way. He may have been attempting to reveal her secrets, but he demonstrated that he will defend her no matter what.

It is important that you and your partner feel protected with each other.

2. Samuel sees Carla for who she is, not what she looks like

Carla had no one who actually knew her before her connection with Samuel. Carla was seen as a cold-hearted or soulless beauty by everyone. But it was Samuel who was the first to realize Carla for who she truly was.

This couple teaches us that in a relationship, loving each other for their true self is important. Accepting them for who they are and loving them with all their flaws is crucial in any relationship.

3. Challenges Carla

Carla had always been the one to define how the relationship would play out in her past partnerships. But it wasn’t the same with Samuel. He was adamant about not bowing to her demands. He pushes us, and rather than one overpowering the other, they are on an equal footing in their partnership.

A successful relationship is one where both are equals. A relationship where one partner is dominant and the other is a pushover tends to be toxic in the long run.

4. Samuel brings out Carla’s true self

One of the nicest aspects of Carla and Samuel’s relationship is that the audience got to see Carla’s more human side.

A good relationship helps you grow and bring out the good side of you. A good relationship helps you become a better version of yourself.

5. He Makes Her Happy

Carla is happier with Samuel, which is one of the reasons she is better with him.

A healthy relationship is one where you both make each other happy.

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