· You should make time for each other

No matter how busy you are, you should always make time to spend with each other or talk to each other. Communication is a very important aspect in a relationship. Spending time together, going on a couple getaways, going for dinner etc. Can help you make your bond stronger.In every relationship,the couple must spend quality time and should get the habit of being together and enjoying.

· You should be honest about everything

You must be like an open book to your partner. They must know your entire past. You should be honest with each other. Be open about your likes and dislikes, your desires in bed etc. If you don’t talk about not being happy with the sex you should be able to communicate it otherwise it will make you frustrated and angry. Being able to talk about your needs in bed and in general helps you learn a lot about each other and havean ultimate bond, which is likely to last long.

· You should know how to make your partner happy

In one year, you should learn more about each other’s behaviour to know how to make your partner smile when he/she is down or upset about something. Being able to make each other smile shows that you care for each other and don’t like to see your partner sad. You should know the right way to communicate with your partner and at the same time, you should give them their space.

· You should develop trust

Trust is a very important part of any relationship if the trust is broken no relationship will be the same and in case of marriage broken trust can lead to divorce. You should develop trust in your partner and there should be no place for doubt, be honest with each other which will help you maintain the trust in the relationship.

· You should know how to deal with conflicts

Every couple fights, some get into a small argument and some into big ones. Arguments or conflicts are quite normal in a relationship but you must know how to deal with the conflicts and how to resolve them. Learn the importance of “sorry” a small word but can do wonders in resolving conflicts. It is said that a happy couple never sleeps angry, so before you sleep apologise!

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