Respecting each other’s opinions is really very important in a relationship. Whether good or bad, it should be considered. You might not necessarily agree to it, but you need to respect it. Whether the opinion is good or bad, whether it’s about you both or anybody else, it needs to be respected and never apologized for. It is important to understand that you shouldn’t apologize for every little thing or feel guilty about it. There is a thing where you apologize too much and that ruins a relationship and leaves you to feel guilty each time.
When you spend too much time together you tend to ask the same questions regularly and might irritate the other person. But you should never ever apologize for doing so. If they really love you, despite being irritated with it they’ll never feel bored of it. In fact, it’s kind of cute when you ask questions like “do you love me?” “Do you care for me?” And many such questions which need to be answered very adorably and lovingly and you should never feel guilty or sorry for asking those.
Wanting alone time is necessary for a person. Some alone time to yourself is necessary for relaxing and to destress yourself. You should never say sorry for that. You shouldn’t have any guilt for asking your own space from your partner. Loving your partner is one thing but loving yourself is important as well. Wanting your space or your independence and some time away from your partner can also enrich your relationship a little more.
Never ever say sorry for something you didn’t do, just to avoid any fight or conflict. An empty apology has no meaning and will do more harm to your relationship. You’ll just try to do that again and again to avoid fights but ultimately hold up a lot of things. Always assure your mistakes first and then you can try to apologize
Everybody is prone to mistakes. We are humans and we tend to mistaken at one point or the other. Not your mistakes need a warrant of apology. As long as it wasn’t harmful to your partner or anyone else it’s okay to make those mistakes. Trivial mess-up in front of your partner is quite normal and you shouldn’t be always apologizing for it.
Regret: a feeling of never-ending pain. Learn how to overcome it
Regret: a feeling of never-ending pain. Learn how to overcome it
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