Categories: Love and Relationship

Best pickup lines to get a conversation started

Talking to your crush can be tricky and complex, at least for you since they are unaware of your feelings. You always worry about sounding cocky and lose confidence in doing so. Most of the time nervousness eats you up and you say something that scares her away. But if you start a conversation with a brilliant pick up line, they start taking interest in you and take part in the conversation willingly. A pickup line is supposed to do two things, impress someone enough to that they reciprocate your interest and start a conversation. Here are some good pickup lines that will help you in doing so: –

  • “This playlist is fine, but honestly, I’d rather be listening to a musical soundtrack.” – The best conversation begins with a mutual love or hatred towards something. You can establish this as the base of your conversation.
  • “The weather is here awful. I wish I could move to a better city” – This line creates two grounds for your conversation. It can either be about the weather or moving to a new place.
  • “Do you eat here a lot? Because I don’t and I have no clue what tastes good.” Put all your awkward feelings out there. Show that you aren’t just trying to needy but you could actually use some help. Also, some people like to be helpful.
  • “That’s a great jacket. You ever thought about using it on a bike and hitting the road with no destination?” – This could really start a conversation with full speed since almost everyone desires to go for a bike trip. They may express their other wish to take a break from their life.
  • “That’s the cutest dog you have there. But we may have to hold that thought until you see mine.” – If you see someone with a dog and you have a pet too, you can use this line to start an effective conversation. Pets are often the best topic to start a conversation. You can even show pictures of your dog on your phone to take it further.

These lines are always effective and work most of the time. It’s time we let go of the ancient lines like “Can I buy you a drink?” or “Wow you are just too beautiful” which end up with a single word answer like “yes-no” or “thanks”. To start a conversation, you have to sound unique and say something that intrigues them


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