Our invitation to develop into a more whole, richer, and loving human being comes from forces bigger than ourselves. We are being invited to take part in a process that is at once enigmatic, thrilling, and dangerous.
A portion of us rushes madly into the fray when we answer this most powerful appeal, excited by the prospect of a deeper, more personal connection than we have ever known. According to recent studies, when we first fall in love, the amphetamine-like neurotransmitter phenylethylamine may be secreted from our brains, flooding our central nervous system with an excess of the most intense love concoction nature has to offer. Our circuits are all wonderfully lit up, and we are flooded with joy and vision. When we are in this heavenly condition, we are able to do tremendous acts of selfless love and compassion that come naturally.
However, when we come back to earth, we are only left with our perception of what we can be and who we actually are. If we choose to heed the call to love, we will unavoidably be given a number of options. The call to love is always to go deeper and farther than before. Making a deliberate choice about our level of commitment to the truth is one option. Have you previously maintained a commitment to the truth? If not, what were the repercussions of not telling the truth? And now that you’re in a new relationship, would you consciously decide to pursue the widest, deepest, and most genuine connection you possibly can, or will you do the opposite?
We ask our partner to do the same every time we behave and talk honestly. Our adventure is still developing and deepening. Truth + Love + Deeper Connection + Expansion + Greater Opening to Spirit = A Simple Equation. But if dedication to the truth makes our lives so much better, why is it so uncommon and challenging? Why are there so many lies, so many affairs, so much hurt, and so much resentment being shown subtly? When we consider deceiving ourselves or our relationships, we typically do it to shield a part of ourselves that feels insecure or fearful. We justify telling ourselves small white lies because we want to look better than we really are.
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