Categories: Love and Relationship

Can Lack Of Intimacy Ruin A Relationship?

As a fundamental need, we want love and affection, which can be communicated vocally as well as through tender touch, cuddles, and hugs. If there isn’t enough intimacy between partners, especially if it used to be important or if one spouse is more intimate than the other, problems may arise.

Insufficient intimacy

Without intimacy, a relationship lacks the security of knowing the other person is there for you or that they genuinely love you. When intimacy is lacking, most partners don’t mean to hurt their other or aren’t even conscious of the lack of intimacy, which is why a relationship that is weak in intimacy, whether physically or emotionally, isn’t likely to succeed.

What kind of harm can a lack of physical closeness cause in a marriage?

As has already been said, physical intimacy is essential for developing and maintaining intimate relationships between two people.

People need to be physically loved.

One frequently expects intimacy in a marriage to be closer and even more frequent than intimacy before marriage because the commitment of marriage has brought the two lovers together in a ceremonial and legal connection.

Hence, the majority of married people anticipate actions like hugging, cuddling, kissing, and so forth.

Lack of physical intimacy in a marriage can make it easy to feel as though the passion in your union is waning, that you are no longer attracted to your spouse, or that your spouse no longer cares about you as much as they once did.

Lack of physical intimacy in a marriage can make it easy to feel as though the passion in your union is waning, that you are no longer attracted to your spouse, or that your spouse no longer cares about you as much as they once did.

Physical intimacy is one of the ways a partner can express their feelings, therefore its absence can lead to an emptiness that, with time, can result in a barrier.

It may cause the couples to develop abandonment concerns over time. The abandoned partner may start to distance themselves as a result, starting a cycle. It is not a good sign for the relationship when the needs for intimacy and tenderness, as well as sexual cravings, start to decline.

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