· Try new cuisine

Every time you visit the restaurant don’t eat the same old dish. Try new cuisine, if you like it you have new favourite, if you don’t you have a fun story to memorize. Couples who love to eat should definitely, try different cuisine. Sometimes, something as simple as a plate of food can be adventurous.

· Plan impulsive trips

Plan an impulsive one day or one night trip to a nearby destination. Explore new places all by yourself. It’s adventurous as well as exciting. Going to different places with your partner is a beautiful experience. Enjoy some relaxing time together that also helps you bond together. Talking about adventures you can also go to an amusement park for a trip or go sky diving, something that scares you and excites you at the same time.

· Open up about your fantasies

Talk about your fantasies regarding sex. Open up about what you like to have in bed and if your partner agrees you can have an adventure in bed too. Fantasies about sex can be really adventurous if they are scary, difficult and exciting.

· Make simple moments special

Keep looking for opportunities to hold your partner’s hand. Hold their hands while walking on the streets or give them a peck on cheeks when hanging out with friends. These small gestures turn simple moments into special ones.

· Spice up sex life

Don’t have a boring sex life, spice up your sex life by an extra touch of intimacy. Have sex more often. Try new things in bed, be spontaneous but ask for consent. No matter how much sex improves your relationship but if your partner doesn’t want it, there are many other ways to have fun and adventure.

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