Most women bleed every month for 4-5 days as known as the menstruation cycle and it is known. What you don’t know for sure is exactly why your girlfriend’s period makes her seem so different to handle from how she normally is. Sure, she’s still the totally adorable and sexy girl you fell in love with but, every 28 to 35 days she loses her mind out and gets all moody or so you feel like you have no idea what’s going on in her heart or brain or her body. And surely men would never understand what a female goes through. Knowing what to do when your girlfriend is on her period is the biggest Boon a guy can have. Periods are often confusing to women, as well. Their vaginas are bleeding and our emotions are on a roller coaster ride with every possible mood swing. They feel happy one moment and crying the next moment after. Most likely, your girlfriend doesn’t blame you for not knowing what to do,but during her periods she does lose her mind off to understand anything. Still, you need to look at what happens during her period, how you can help, and what you should most definitely not do will help you help your girlfriend out.

So here a few tips you can follow in order to take care of your girlfriend during her periods.

·         Avoid telling her anything that can irritate her

Try to not annoy her, as it might lead to more and more irritation and this will make her sad, and her mood swings super active. Avoid subjects that might irritate her, save it for later when she is out of the situation.

·         Answer questions with patience

She is already in an impatient and hurtful phase, so you also try to be patient with her. Do not try to do anything against her will, or ask a lot of questions, just be there for her, care for her, do what she wants and that’s all.

·         Prepare food for her

Girls like being taken care of. Prepare her some comfort food, maybe something that she likes or something soothing like hot soups or coffee.

·         Make her feel loved and appreciated

Make her feel loved, hug her, kiss her, and let her know that you are there for her no matter what. Appreciate her for bearing with the pain and being so strong. Try to spend time with her cuddle or hug her if she is comfortable with it.

·         Help her out with things

Periods come along with a lot of lower belly and back pain. Make her a hot bag for that pain and also help her take her medicines. Help her with whatever she needs and make her feel comfortable and loved. Prepare her hot water and a warm bed, create a temperature and environment suitable for her.