Talking to these folks may be a genuine annoyance. The kindest and most courteous people seem to have certain personality traits. They are the ones with the best personalities. The most endearing personality traits are listed below.


Extraverted, Observant, Feeling, and Judging individuals make up this group. These people are welcoming and kind. They are very hospitable because they value tradition. They are courteous and observe social conventions with minimal hassle.


They have an introverted, intuitive, empathic, and judgmental demeanor. They keep to themselves and are secretive. However, they are extremely polite and treat everyone with a great deal of respect. They speak softly and are incredibly polite.


They are introverted, observant, feeling, and prospecting kind of individuals. They treat everyone with great respect and have a very moral demeanor. Generally speaking, they are kind and courteous. The only issue is that they can occasionally be overly polite, which opens them up to abuse.


These individuals are introverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting by nature. They take great care in what they say to other people. They take great care in how and what they say to other people. But when it comes time to protect themselves, they will be steadfast.


These individuals are Extraverted, Observant, Feeling, and Prospective in nature. You’ll always have a good time if you’re with them. They are jovial individuals that envelop themselves in a positive and enthusiastic environment. To those around them, they are also extremely friendly and polite. However, they have one drawback—they are easily bored.

Source – Times Of India

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